Wednesday, October 31, 2012

放手/ Let go

放手,不等于不关心,只是我不能代替别人做事。 Let go, does not mean I does not care, but it is just I can't replace others to do their work. 放手,不等于从此不管,而是明白我不该控制他人。 Let go, does not mean from now on I'm not concern, rather I'm clear that I should not control that person. 放手,就是不要提供所有答案,让别人从结果中学习。 Let go, precisely means does not want to possess an answer, permit others to learn from the outcome. 放手,就是承认无能为力,因为结果如何不在于我。 Let go, precisely means admit helpless, because no matter what's the result, it does not lie in me. 放手,就是不再试图改变或责备他人,因我只能改变自己。 Let go, precisely means no longer wants to attempt or blame that person, cause I can only change myself. 放手,就是关心而非操心。 Let go, precisely means I care instead of worrying. 放手,就是不要替别人补救,只是表示支持。 Let go, precisely means does not want to substitute others' remedies, merely to show support. 放手,就是不要批评,让对方保有尊严。 Let go, precisely means does not want to criticize, to permit the opposite to retain the dignity. 放手,就是不要操纵结果,让别人自行决定。 Let go, precisely means do not want to control the outcome, let others voluntarily decide. 放手,就是不要过分保护,让别人面对现实。 Let go, precisely means do not want to protect excessively, let others face the reality. 放手,就是不要否定,只是接纳。 Let go, precisely means do not deny, only admits. 放手,就是不要唠叨、叱责和争辩,而是反思己过予以改正。 Let go, precisely means do not nag, blame & argue, but is rather reconsideration of oneself'. 放手,就是不强求凡事照自己的意思,而是接受现状,珍惜每一刻。 Let go, precisely means does not demand everything according to own needs, but is rather to accept current situation, appreciate every moment. 放手,就是不再批评或勉强别人,而是努力成为自己理想中的人。 Let go, precisely means no longer criticizes or force others, but rather strive hard to become the ideal person you are. 當手中抓住一件東西時, 你就只能擁有這件東西, 而如果你願意放手, 就有機會選擇別的。

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