Monday, September 27, 2010


while waiting ling,i take photo in Kbox
well~~~i don't know what drink is it...hahaha~~~270910~~~
ah soon with his drink~~~
it's me~~~250910
our drink...Green Tea Latte

this month 2nd time come starbucks...walao...i not rich ppl lah~~~
just buy 1 free come here~~~lol~~~
hahaha...but line SUCK~~~can't even access FB~~~>.<~~~
WTXXXXXXX~~~so sien...can't access FB really don't know what to do leh~~~
doing tomorrow advanced finance tutorial works...someone keeps looking for air ticket...
KL,KOREA, more cheap ticket...can't go liao loh...argh!!!!!!!!!
how come i always so soi...susah go travel with him n the rest ppl...
i want to screaming~~~~~~~~~~~~~T__________T
today Macro test really GG liao~~~Miss Callie might pengsan when mark my paper gua...
this repeat student kinda ngong...well,i'm ngong ngang...
i thought i understand everything but seem like i'm wrong...
sorry to my parents...i promise gor gor won't fail anymore de...
but seem like i wanna break my promise again~~~
haiz!!!!!!!!sY,can u work hard...hard...n hard?

今日名言:♥If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you♥

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